How to Cultivate Fertility Through Guided Visualization & Meditation

Joanne is the founder of Circle+Bloom, guided audio visualization and meditations for women (& men) struggling with infertility. There are different audio programs for many of the common conditions associated with infertility such as PCOS, IVF, and much more. Since this resource was released I have been recommending it to my patients, and the results have been nothing short of amazing! Joanne and her team have really created a fantastic resource of meditation for fertility, and if you haven’t already tried them, today is the day to start.  ~ Spence

Interview with Joanne Verkuilen about cultivate fertility through guided visualization & meditation

Podcast Excerpt

“We get into the hypothalamus and the pituitary and we start to help you visualize and we tell you exactly where it is and how you can visualize it. We really help you tap into your own intuition as well, like, what are some of the things that we call sometimes ‘dials’, like is there a dial that you need to turn. Just use your intuition till you kind of slightly adjust things or whatever you need to do, but then we see the communication between the pituitary and hypothalamus and how that works between that and your ovaries. And then we literally go right into the fallopian tube and then of course the uterus and seeing what’s happening in the uterus. We always assume that the sperm is meeting egg and things are happening just as they should, and then for the rest of the two weeks, after ovulation, we kind of just see what’s happening inside the uterus and making sure that relaxation and acceptance and like those feelings – so, we do that part, induction, and we do the guided specific physical visualization. And then towards the end, we offer kind of an emotional release or guiding you towards maybe a way for you to release inner emotions, repressed emotions, feelings of shame or whatever it is that’s going on.” – Joanne


Website – A resource for fertility mediation and visualization

Professional Profile
– BS in Economics, 1992
Professional Achievements
– Started Circle Bloom in 2008, almost 10 years ago. We’ve touched almost 50,000 women worldwide with our mind-body programs for infertility

Professional Experience
– Circle + Bloom, CEO and Founder 2008 – Current
– MiddleM Creative, CEO and Founder 2014 – Current (provides marketing and branding for private equity and investment banking firms)
– Investment Banking Career: Smith Barney / Morgan Stanley, Sanders Morris Harris, Conversus and BlackArch Partners

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